The Rag and Bone Mac A-Line jacket. The owner walked over and told me how nice it looked on me.(But of course - working his charm) He told me all jackets were 30% off. I twitched. At $475, that still ain't cheap. I lingered...I cried inside...I tried on again and again then sighed and put it back on the rack...
Having been brought up by a frugal Korean mother who never had any qualms about haggling, the inner-Korean haggler came out in me. I schemed while taking a walk on the mens side pretending to look for something for my pretend boyfriend, I walked back over to the jacket and gently touched it as if I were petting an endearing friend. I could sense the owner was watching me so I hammed it up a little me. I smiled, walked to the register with jacket in hand and he asked me what I thought.
"I can't lie, I really love it" I said in a cautiously enthusiastic tone. "But I'd like it more if it were a little cheaper, say...__% off?"
He laughed out loud. "It does look good on you...I'll do it. You can't tell anyone!"
I thanked him heartily and we made small talk about the worsening economy and what he's been doing to stay afloat. He told me to come back often - I'd only come when the sales were happening =)
I am officially ready for Fall.