Starfruit is housed under the same Lifeway umbrella that is the leading producer of kefir (kee-fir) products. So unlike other frozen yogurt shops like Red Mango, Pinkberry and Berry Chill, Starfruit frozen yogurts, parfaits and smoothies boast 10 live and active pro-biotic cultures that boost the immune system, fights fatique, and helps the digestive system (I can vouch for the digestive part because I drink a cup of kefir everyday). My friend and I started off with the parfaits. Basically, all this was was a half cup of flavored kefir (straight from the bottle) with all the toppings you want. I chose the pomegranate kefir with yogurt chips, rice crispy's and blueberries. Mixed together, it was tasty. But honestly, did I have to come all the way out to the Ukranian Village to have this? I could've bought a bottle of kefir at Dominick's and a few toppings and made 5 of these parfaits at home. My friend wasn't so impressed either.
So I went back for some frozen yogurt. I got the original flavor which is slightly sweetened according to one of the Lifeway reps. She said their taste testers didn't like the sour taste of the actual original kefir so they sweetened it, whatever that means. Honestly, the sweeteners are the last of their problems. I got strawberry, kiwi and corn flakes as toppings and my friend took one bite and set his spoon down. He then went off on how he wanted to fly to L.A. at that very moment and order 20 Pinkberries with various toppings, place them in an ice box and back to this store. The yogurt was so bland! There was no taste whatsoever. With all other competitors you get this sweet/sour/tart taste. With Starfruit, all you taste is frozen water and toppings. Another problem, the consistency of the yogurt was not smooth and soft like competitors. Sure the color of the product was white, but the consistancy was more like that of a melting snow cone.
The highlight I suppose is the slice of starfruit at the bottom of the cup - but those who have tried the fruit know that there's nothing especially tasty about those either. It's a shame, they have a great patio in the back with tons of seating. Location is key though, and they did pick a great spot. Weekend shoppers will probably pop in for an afternoon treat, but will they come because they actually like it or to just take part in all the fro-yo hype? Hmm...

Frozen kefir: S $3, M $4, L $5
Parfaits and Smoothies: S $4, M $5, L $7
First topping $1
Each additional topping $.50
Check it out for the actual opening on Tuesday April 15th. It'll be free all day.
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